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New Journal Letter

Warren I. Schaeffer wschaeff at moose.uvm.edu
Tue Sep 13 09:22:33 EST 1994


I would like to call your attention to a new journal "METHODS IN CELL SCIENCE"
which is to be published by Kluwer Academic Publishers of Dordrecht, The 
Netherlands.  I have recently accepted the position of Editor-in-Chief.  
Below are the Aims & Scope of the journal for your perusal.  In 
addition, I am including the initial Area Descriptors which will be the 
areas under which prospective authors will submit their manuscripts.  I 
am currently in the process of assembling the Editorial Board and hope to 
have it appointed within the next two months.


AREA DESCRIPTORS:  Biotechnology; Cellular and Molecular Toxicology; Cell 
Biology; Developmental Biology; Growth, Differentiation or Senescence; 
Genetics; Immunology; Infectious Diseases/Cellular Pathology; 
Neurobiology; Plant Biology and Virology.


AIMS AND SCOPE:  The aim of METHODS IN CELL SCIENCE is to provide _the_ 
forum for publishing the most up-to-date, cutting edge, methods developed 
during the course of cell science research involving vertebrates, inverte- 
brates, plants or single-celled prokaryotic or eukaryotic organisms.  The 
research relevant to this publication is ordinarily conducted using in vitro 
systems rather than the whole animal or plant, an exception being research in 
which the animal or plant itself must be viewed microscopically.  Manuscripts 
will also be accepted which describe the design or construction of equipment, 
media, or quality control procedures that are ancillary to cellular 
research.  Descriptions of the subheadings used in the Table of Contents 
of METHODS IN CELL SCIENCE (found in the "Instructions for Authors") 
provide prospective authors with additional information about the 
subsections of the journal that would be most appropriate for their 

Manuscripts will be peer reviewed and will only be published in METHODS 
IN CELL SCIENCE if they provide sufficient detail to enable a researcher 
to successfully duplicate the method using only the protocol described in 
the manuscript.  In contrast, methods published in most scientific 
journals, whose emphasis is different than that of METHODS IN CELL 
SCIENCE, often lack the details required for readers to do so without 
prior experience with the method or by consulting the author(s).

All manuscripts submitted will describe methods original to the author's 
laboratory which either have never before been published or which were 
originally published as part of a research paper submitted to another 
journal.  To be acceptable for publication in METHODS IN CELL SCIENCE, 
rewritten methods must now contain the original citation and all of the 
detail which could not be included in the original manuscript.  A 
rewritten method, published in METHODS IN CELL SCIENCE, will provide an 
opportunity for the author to reach a wider audience.

SPECIAL ISSUES will devote an entire issue to methodology involved in a 
specialized area of cellular research.  Such specialized areas might, for 
example, include:  Methods in Invertebrate Cell Clulture Research; 
Methods in Oral Streptococci Research; Research Techniques Involving 
Caenorhabditis elegans; Methods in Plant Molecular Biology; Molecular 
Genetic Techniques Using Zebra Danio or Drosophila or, etc.  Editors of 
special issues will solicit, compile and review the necessary manuscripts 
to complete such an issue.  Editors of special issues will often be 
invited to participate but authors interested in compiling such an issue 
should contact the Editor-in-Chief.  REVIEW ARTICLES:  Both mini reviews 
and full-length reviews, covering various aspects of developments in 
methodological approaches, equipment, media or quality control procedures 
related to cellular research will be accepted.  Usually they will be 
invited, but authors interested in contributing such a paper should 
contact the Editor-in-Chief, describing the proposed review, before 
submitting a manuscript.   A mini review will ordinarily span no more 
than four to five printed pages whereas full reviews may be ten or more 
printed pages.

I do hope that you are sufficiently interested in the raison d'etre of 
the journal that you will join me in this enterprise by submitting 
manuscripts to it.  I believe that this will not be just another journal 
(we probably have too many now) but will serve a definite purpose.  The 
methods presented will be as complete as it is possible to write them. One 
should, by reading the paper, be "transported" to the lab bench in the 
author's laboratory and be following along as the protocol is 
demonstrated.  I firmly believe that there is a place for this kind of 
presentation.  One plan for the journal includes publishing in a "three-hole 
punched" format so that either the entire issue, or one or more of the methods
can be placed right into the laboratory's methods notebook.  This may be 
a possibility. 

Initially, the journal will appear quarterly, but I hope that with 
rising interest, it can ultimately appear bimonthly or even monthly.  
Please contact me at the address below if you wish to obtain an initial 
copy of the "Information for Authors" or if you are interested in a 
subscription to the journal. You may also direct your institution to do 
the same if they are interested in a subscription for the library.  If 
your library currently subscribes to the "Journal of Tissue Culture 
Methods", they will automatically be contacted by the publishers as that 
journal will be replaced by METHODS IN CELL SCIENCE.

Many of you have wanted to see a journal such as this one available and now 
I believe this has come to fruition.  With the usual few delays in getting 
something new underway, METHODS IN CELL SCIENCE should be available at the 
beginning of the new year. I would appreciate receiving any comments you may 
have regarding this new enterprise and, especially, your manuscripts and 
suggestions for Special Issues. 
Warren I. Schaeffer, University of Vermont, Markey Center for Molec. Genet., 
Microbiol. & Molec. Genetics Dep't., 117 Stafford Bldg. Burlington, Vt.05405
Phone: (802)656-2290 * Fax:(802)656-8749 * e-mail: wschaeff at moose.uvm.edu

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