IUBio GIL .. BIOSCI/Bionet News .. Biosequences .. Software .. FTP

Frontiers in Bioscience, an electronic journal and virtual library

Colin Ashcroft Colin.Ashcroft at man.ac.uk
Tue Aug 29 07:57:22 EST 1995

In article <40anu2$rp6 at mother.usf.edu>, 
tabibzadeh at rics.moffitt.usf.edu says...
>Frontiers in Bioscience, an electronic journal and virtual 
>An electronic journal and virtual library has been created in 
order to 
>facilitate rapid dissemination of scientific data as well as to 
>investigators with numerous online tools for use in their 
>research activities. The publication cost is minimized or 
>eliminated. A section of the journal is dedicated to publishing 
>manuscripts that contain real time events. 
>Access to a large number of databases is quite easy  from the 
>These include databases for analysis of scientific data,  
>strategies, dictionaries, atlases, tutorials, conferences, 
information on 
>products of various manufacturers, links to online journals and 
>other valuable information. Access to the journal and these 
services is 
>free. The staff members of the journal are in the process of 
creation of 
>various databases. One such database on gene knockout is 
already online.
>The journal can be accessed at the following address on WWW:
>Although submission of data for publication in electronic 
platforms has 
>just begun, this method of distribution of scientific 
information would 
>certainly be the logical route of the future. The first volume 
of the 
>journal to be published around Jan 1996 will contain excellent 
>manuscripts. Please take a moment to examine the journal and 
consider to 
>send manuscripts for publication in this new and novel forum. 
The address 
>of the editorial office is as follows:
>Frontiers in Bioscience
>S Tabibzadeh, MD,
>Dept of Pathology
>University of South Florida
>12901 Bruce B Downs Blvd
>Tampa, FL 33612
>Tel: 813-979-7237
>Fax: 813-979-3085
>E-mail: tabibzadeh at rics.moffitt.usf.edu 
will this journal be peer-reviewed? Listed in Current Contents?

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