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NEJM won't publish net papers

Fri Jun 30 07:59:13 EST 1995

    According to Jack Kapica of today's Globe & Mail, the New England Journnal
 of Medicine (June 22nd) says it will extend the anti-double-publishing rule,
 which is generally in effect for the paper literature, to the electronic media

    This will make it even more difficult for electronic journals to get off
 the ground. The major problem is no uniform way of citing electronic papers,
 and the probable refusal of the paper media to agree to cite an electronic

    The great strength of the paper journals is their scrupulous reviewing
 process, but there is not reason why electronic papers could not be just as
 scrupulously reviewed, and carry some mark to indicate this.

    The great strength of the electronic media is that a contribution of little
 value takes up a negligible amount of "electronic space", whereas such contr-
 ibutions overwhelm our libraries and marginally make it more difficult to
 access the important literature.


                           Don Forsdyke, Discussion Leader,

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