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Joe Felsenstein joe at evolution.genetics.washington.edu
Fri Jan 3 18:25:17 EST 1997

In article <5aj4nl$57u at knot.queensu.ca>,
Donald Forsdyke  <forsdyke at post.queensu.ca> wrote:
>   In particular I am thinking here of journals such as the Journal of 
>Theoretical Biology, which in 1964 published work leading to the modern 
>"selfish gene" paradigm, an idea apparently ignored at the time.

Hamilton's papers of 1964 in JTB were not ignored at the time as far as
I know.  By the early 1970's they were very well known and they have often been
cited.  By the time the "selfish gene" slogan came along there was already
quite a bit of activity in the field of kin selection, with Hamilton
acknowledged by one and all for being the founder of this line of work.

Or perhaps I misread which papers of 1964 were being referred to.

Joe Felsenstein         joe at genetics.washington.edu     (IP No.
 Dept. of Genetics, Univ. of Washington, Box 357360, Seattle, WA 98195-7360 USA

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