From: Open Access News
Testimonial: OAN is the "paper of record" for the OA movement
Karen Schneider, a.k.a. Free Range Librarian,
has classed Open Access News
among the blogs worth reading.
Excerpt: 'I track over 100 blogs, but I really like several dozen, and
they are all over the map--news, librariana, literature, technology,
opinion, humor, and other kibbles and bits. This week I'll talk about
two very different blogs, one from academia/librarianship and the
other from the world of books: Open Access News and Beatrix....It's
fascinating to watch the open access movement develop, and this blog
is its paper of record. Additional features include definitions
of open access, a detailed timeline of the open access movement,
and related links.' (Thanks, Karen!) Permanent link to this post
Posted by Peter Suber at 7:17 AM.
Congratulations and thanks to Peter Suber for his invaluable and
unflagging contributions to launching the Open Access era.
Stevan Harnad