(1) There has been dramatic Open Access Progress in France
This progress owes a great deal to its earliest and most dedicated
Hexagonal champion, Helene Bosc (who is reputed to be retiring
this year, but of course such rumours can never really be given
much credence de facto even if true de jure when they concern such
indefatigable individuals).
Below is a list of some of HB'S pertinent work. See especially
her recent chapter in Aubry & Janik (2005) and her website:
(2) Another formidable Open Access champion in France is Thierry Chanier,
whose work is on the Technology of Information and Communication
in Education (TICE). His specialty is scientific publication in the
humanities and social sciences, he has founded several Open Access
Journals, and now he has written an excellent and very up-to-date book
on Open Archives and Open Access:
Chanier, T. (2004) Archives ouvertes et publication scientifique:
Comment mettre en place l'accès libre aux résultats de la recherche?
[Open Archives and Scientific Publication: How to Provide Open Access
to Research Results?] L'Harmatan, Paris. Open Access Full Text:
Bosc, H. (2005) Archives ouvertes : quinze ans d'histoire [Open
Archives: Fifteen Years of History]. In Aubry, C. and Janik, J.,
Eds. Les Archives Ouvertes : enjeux et pratiques. Guide à l'usage
des professionnels de l'information, pages pp. 27-54. ADBS, Paris.
Open Access Full Text: http://cogprints.org/4408/
[In French] English Summary: Both the idea and the benefits of
providing open access to scientific publications are now coming to
be understood by a growing number of researchers who publish in new
open access journals. However, the potential of the complementary
strategy of self-archiving in Open Archives -- which could provide
immediate open access to all scientific articles -- is still
under-utilized. This chapter describes the various attempts in the
last fifteen years to generalize the self-archiving practice first
adopted by physicists, who have been providing open access to their
work since 1991. The benefits of self-archiving and open archives
are explained. The adoption of the practice of self-archiving by
researchers and their institutions is still too slow. The reasons for
this delay are discussed. The official policies adopted by various
institutions following the Berlin 3 meeting in Southampton (UK)
now makes it more likely that the practice of self-archiving will
spread considerably in 2005.The open access thereby provided will
increase the scientific impact of research worldwide
Bosc, H. and Harnad, S. (2005) In a paperless world a new role
for academic libraries: Providing Open Access. Learned Publishing.
Bosc, H. (2004) Pour une plus grande visibilité des travaux des
chercheurs : l'exemple de l'archive ouverte PhysiologieAnimale
Bosc, H. (2003) La Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI)
pour un libre accès aux résultats de la recherche. Terminal.
Bosc, H. (2003) Le droit des auteurs à mettre en accès libre leurs
propres résultats de recherche [Authors' right to provide open access
to their own research results.].
Bosc, H (2002) Mise en service d'une archive numérique. Launching
an archive.
Bosc, H. (2001) Partager et utiliser des connaissances scientifiques:
de la responsabilité individuelle à la responsabilité collective. INRA
Stevan Harnad
A complete Hypermail archive of the ongoing discussion of providing
open access to the peer-reviewed research literature online (1998-2005)
is available at:
To join or leave the Forum or change your subscription address:
Post discussion to:
american-scientist-open-access-forum at amsci.org
UNIVERSITIES: If you have adopted or plan to adopt an institutional
policy of providing Open Access to your own research article output,
please describe your policy at:
BOAI-1 ("green"): Publish your article in a suitable toll-access journal
BOAI-2 ("gold"): Publish your article in a open-access journal if/when
a suitable one exists.
in BOTH cases self-archive a supplementary version of your article
in your institutional repository.