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Next of KIn.

byron4 at handbag.com byron4 at handbag.com
Wed Mar 2 11:46:42 EST 2005

Standard Financial Bank
5th Floor Cannon Bridge House
25 Dowgate Hill, London
EC 4K 2B
United Kingdom.

Good day,

My name is Byron Pott, Chief Accounting Officer with the Standard Financial
Bank London.

We had a foreign client a Businessman who deposited a huge sum of money (SIX

Eventually, he died as a result of a prolonged ailment in 1999 but since
then we have not had anybody coming for the claims as the next of kin. A
situation I have monitored closely with my position in the bank. Now having
monitored this deposit and managed it over the years before his death, and
hence nobody has showed up as the next of kin for the past one year plus,
I have removed the file to my private vault.

I now solicit for your assistance to present you as the next of kin to our
late client since you share the same surname with him as every other arrangement
has been concluded by me and I am only waiting for a foreigner to enable
me move the funds to his account.

This does not have any risk attached to it, as I will handle all the internal

Your interest will be negotiable before we commence the peration.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Mr. Byron Pott
b_pott at myway.com.

NB: If you are interested in entering into this business relationship, you
should reply to my private email b_pott at myway.com.


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