This is from Peter Suber's Open Access News:
Please compare it with the recommendation of the UK Select Committee
as well as the recommendation of the recent Berlin 3 meeting in Southampton on
the implementation of the Berlin Declaration:
It is hoped that Finland will now register and describe its national
self-archiving policy so that other nations and institutions can follow
its example, at:
Finnish Ministry of Education recommends OA
On March 18, the Open Access Scientific Publishing Committee of the Finnish
Ministry of Education issued a 38-page report on open access (in Finnish only).
The abstract is available in Finnish, Swedish, and English.
Excerpt from the English abstract:
The committee was appointed to put forward recommendations
for the promotion of open access to scientific and scholarly
publications in Finland. The recommendations were to be addressed
to research funding agencies, organisations conducting research and
scientific publishers....The committee's recommendations concern
publications of all researchers residing in Finland, comprising
those studies that will be published in Finland or abroad for which
the authors do not expect payment....The aim of the recommendations
is not to change the traditional standards used for evaluating the
quality of scholarly publications, but to improve access to and the
availability, distribution, visibility, usability and usefulness of
the publications....[T]the committee recommends that:
* Higher education institutions and research institutes, individually or
* jointly, set up the necessary open access online archives in which
* researchers can deposit copies of their publications for free access on
* the internet;
* Researchers are encouraged to deposit copies of their publications in
* these open access electronic publication archives with a view to rapid
* accumulation of material in them.
The committee has separate recommendations for funding agencies (pay processing
fees at OA journals, encourage grantees to deposit their work in OA repositories),
universities (encourage faculty to submit their work to OA journals and deposit it
in OA repositories), journals (offer OA to their articles and allow authors to
archive postprints in OA repositories), libraries (support distribution of
metadata and full-texts of OA research, support the creation of OA repositories
throughout the country), and the Ministry of Education (implement these
recommendations). (Thanks Kimmo Kuusela.)
Excerpt from Peter Suber's Open Access News