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Science Commons supports self-archiving

Stevan Harnad harnad at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Tue May 17 09:48:13 EST 2005

Another excerpt from Peter Suber's superb and indispensable Open Access News:

    Science Commons supports self-archiving   

    Science Commons http://science.creativecommons.org/
    has launched a page on author self-archiving. 

    Excerpt: 'We're focused a lot on open access to the
    scientific literature. And since we're copyright folks
    at Creative Commons, a lot of our work looks at standard
    licensing and approaches dealing with copyright. But
    we've pulled together a series of links on self-archiving,
    and I strongly encourage everyone to take a look. This is a small
    subset of available information but it's a good place to start
    exploring. In short...if you publish papers and have the right to
    make an archive copy, you should be using that right! It's easy and
    quick to self-archive using these resources. And as the research we
    link makes extremely clear, getting your work online dramatically
    increases the impact of your work.'

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