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[Journal-notes] Gregory A. Wray named Editor of The Quarterly Review of Biology

j-publicity from press.uchicago.edu via jrnlnote%40net.bio.net (by j-publicity from press.uchicago.edu)
Thu Oct 11 12:12:53 EST 2007

Gregory A. Wray named Editor of The Quarterly Review of Biology

The University of Chicago Board of University Publications and the editorial
board of The Quarterly Review of Biology are delighted to announce a unanimous
decision to name Gregory A. Wray (Department of Biology, Duke University)
Editor of The Quarterly Review of Biology, effective immediately. Founded in
1926, The Quarterly Review of Biology is published by the University of Chicago
Press in association with Stony Brook University.

Professor Wray has been at Duke University since 1999 and is Director of the
Duke Institute for Genome Sciences & Policy’s Center for Evolutionary Genomics.
He started his tenure at The Quarterly Review of Biology in 1996 as Assistant
Editor before becoming Associate Editor in 1999. Professor Wray received his
Ph.D. in Biology from Duke University in 1987, and was Assistant Professor of
Ecology and Evolution at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, now
Stony Brook University, from 1993 to 1999.

Professor Wray joins Daniel E. Dykhuizen (Stony Brook University), Massimo
Pigliucci (Stony Brook University), and James D. Thomson (University of
Toronto) as an Editor of The Quarterly Review of Biology, and Editor-in-Chief
John J. Wiens (Stony Brook University) on the editorial board.


About The Quarterly Review of Biology: The premier review journal in biology,
The Quarterly Review of Biology has since 1926 presented insightful historical,
philosophical, and technical treatments of important biological topics. The QRB
publishes outstanding review articles that are guided by an expansive,
inclusive, and often humanistic understanding of biology. The QRB is published
in association with Stony Brook University.

About the University of Chicago Press: Founded in 1891, the University of
Chicago Press is the largest American university press. The Journals Division
currently publishes forty-seven periodicals and serials in a wide range of
disciplines, including several journals that were the first scholarly
publications in their respective fields. Online since 1995, the Journals
Division has also been a pioneer in electronic publishing, delivering original,
peer-reviewed research from international scholars to a worldwide audience.

Contact: Suzanne Wu / 773-834-0386 / swu from press.uchicago.edu

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