Research Associate
Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.
A research associate position in plant/seed physiology is available
Spring 1998. The overall goal of this project is to provide a better
understanding of seed quality as it relates to germination and seedling
establishment. The successful candidate will work with the Research
Manager to identify physiological and molecular mechanisms associated
with improved seed performance under a range of environmental
conditions. Additional studies will be directed towards developing
laboratory germination tests that predict field performance and
efficient screens for stress tolerance. The candidate will participate
in research planning and will have the opportunity to design and execute
independent studies. Additional responsibilities include data analysis
and report writing, management of laboratory and field activities, and
supervision of part-time help. Applicants should have a background in
plant physiology and working experience in molecular biology including
DNA/RNA and protein techniques. Basic computer and laboratory
instrumentation skills are also required, along with ability to work and
acquire new skills independently. Good communication skills are
essential. Field experience a plus. Education: M.S. or equivalent in
crop science, plant biology or related field with molecular training.
(B.S. with relevant experience will also be considered). Please send
resume, including names and addresses of 3 references, and a 1-2 page
cover letter to: Employment Services, Job # 97-00225, Pioneer Hi-Bred
International, Inc., 400 Locust Street Suite 700, P.O. Box 14454, Des
Moines, IA 50306-3454. Application deadline: January 20, 1998.