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zb1 and zb2 stocks

Maize Genetics COOP Stock Center maize at uiuc.edu
Fri Oct 17 10:06:55 EST 1997

Dear Maize Community,

The zb1 and zb2 stocks maintained at the Stock Center seem to be allelic to
zb3.  This may be due to a mix-up in these stocks that might have occurred
when they were received by the Stock Center in 1943.  If anyone has
independently-maintained lines of zb1 and zb2 that do not trace back to the
Stock Center, or were obtained from the Stock Center prior to 1943, we
would appreciate receiving them so that we can test them against zb3 and
add them to the Stock Center's collection.  Our address is:

Maize Genetics Cooperation Stock Center
S-123 Turner Hall
1102 S. Goodwin Ave.
Urbana, IL  61801

Thank you very much.


Phil Stinard

            Maize Genetics Cooperation - Stock Center

USDA/ARS & Crop Sciences/UIUC     http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/maize [URL]
S123 Turner Hall                  maize at uiuc.edu [internet]
1102 S. Goodwin Ave.             (217) 333-6631 [phone]
Urbana, IL  61801-4798           (217) 333-6064 [FAX]

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