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Faculty Position - Plant Molecular Biology

Lynda Krigers lkrigers at asu.edu
Thu Dec 31 12:28:04 EST 1998

Faculty Position - Plant Molecular Biology

Arizona State University
Tenure Track Faculty
Position in Ecology

The Department of Plant Biology at Arizona State University invites
applicants for an Assistant or Associate Professor to work in conjunction
with the University's Central Arizona-Phoenix Urban LTER.  We seek an
Ecosystem/Landscape Ecologist who can synthesize and understand controls on
ecosystem processes, such as primary productivity, biogeochemistry and
plant-soil interactions across the scales from patches to landscapes.  The
successful applicant will be expected to work with an interdisciplinary
group of faculty and students who are monitoring the spatial and temporal
dynamics of the urban ecosystem, develop a vigorous research program, and
participate in the undergraduate and graduate teaching programs.  Salary
and start-up funds are competitive.  Applicants must possess a Ph.D. or
equivalent degree and a record of research productivity appropriate to
rank.  Post-doctoral experience and use of remote sensing, systems
modeling, or geostatistics are preferred.  For further information about
the position, the department, and faculty interests, connect with
http://lsvl.la.asu.edu/plantbiology/.  Applicants must provide statements
of research interests and teaching philosophy, a curriculum vitae, and
names and addresses of four references by December 11, 1998, to:  Chair,
Ecology Search Committee, Department of Plant Biology, Box 871601, Arizona
State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1601.  Affirmative Action/Equal
Opportunity Employer

Lynda J.S. Krigers	lkrigers at asu.edu
Dept of Plant Biology,
ASU			Ph: (602) 965-3414
Box 871601		FAX: (602) 965-6899
Tempe, AZ 85287-1601

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