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Investigation of cytokinin receptor from maize

Feodor A. Brovko brovko at fibkh.serpukhov.su
Wed Jul 1 22:17:50 EST 1998

Dear Colleagues:

Will you be so kind to help us with pursuing the research of the cytokinin
receptor from maize?

Previously, we have isolated and characterized a cytokinin-binding protein
with the molecular mass of 70 kDa (CBP-70) and showed its receptor
properties [1,2]. Monoclonal antibodies were obtained for this receptor
[3]. Several antibodies were able to regulate the basic function of the
receptor: activation of cytokinin-dependent RNA synthesis [4].
At present we are studying the receptor content in plant organs and their
parts (2 - 5 day old etiolated maize shoots) by immunochemical methods.
Preliminary results are, in our opinion, very interesting. We think that
elucidation of the correlation between the content of cytokinins in tissue
(or in the cell) and the content, synthesis and activity of the receptor is
of great scientific and practical interest.

Please help us to find colleagues possessing IPT
transformed maize plants or planning to obtain transformants with
controlled production of the cytokinines.
Our research is open for cooperation and joint studies of the mechanisms of
 cytokinin reception and cytokinin signal transduction in plant. We will be
glad if you or your colleagues find a possibility for joint research


1.	Brovko F., Zagranichnaya T., Boziev Kh., Lipkin V.,  Karavaiko N.,
Selivankina S. and Kulaeva O. Plant. Physiol (Rus.) 1996, 43 (4) p. 533.
2.	Zeatin-binding proteins participating in cytokinin-dependent activation
of transcripton. Karavaiko N. N., Selivankina S.Yu., Brovko F.A.,
Zemlyachenko Ya.V., Shipilova S. V., Zagranichnaya T.K., Lipkin V. M.,
Kulaeva O. N. In Plant Hormone signal perception and signal transduction Ed
by A.R. Smith, A.W. Berry, N.V. J. Harpharm, I.E. Moshkov, G.V. Novikova,
O.N. Kulaeva and M.A. Hall Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht, 1996
3.	Zagranichnaya T.K., Brovko F.A., Shepelyakovskaya A.O., Boziev Kh.M.,
Lipkin V.M., Plant. Physiol (Rus.) 1997, 44(1), p. 5-10.
4.	Kulaeva O. N., Zagranichnaya T.K., Brovko F.A., Karavaiko N.N.,.
Selivankina S.Yu., Zemlyachenko Ya.V., Hall M.A., Lipkin V. M., Boziev Kh.
M.  Febs Letters (423)2 (1998) pp. 239-242

Thank you in advance,
Sincerely yours,
Feodor A. Brovko,
Head of research team, Ph.D.(Biology), Senior researcher

P.S. My team studies the molecular mechanisms of cytokinin signal reception
in plant using biochemical and immunochemical methods, and methods of
genetic engineering. We have specialists (12 person) and equipment
necessary for realization of our research trend.

Contact information:

F.A. Brovko
142292 Moscow Region, Pushchino, Institutskaya 6
Shemyakin&Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry
Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation

Fax (0967) 790527, E-mail brovko at fibkh.serpukhov.su

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