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Technician Position

Clifford Weil cweil at uidaho.edu
Tue Jul 28 18:13:45 EST 1998

        A technician position is available immediately at the University of
Idaho.  Primary responsibilities will be A) to help put transposon DNA
constructs into cultured plant cells, incubate them, then recover the
products and analyze them and B) oversight and maintenance of a lab of 3-5
students.  At least a Bachelor's degree in Biology (or some related field)
and experience with plant cell culture are required.  Experience
transforming plant cells is also desireable.

        The University is located in Moscow, ID, a town of about 12,000
located in rolling hill country near scenic mountains and rivers.

        Please send letter of interest, CV (including description of
previous lab experience) and the names of three references, either
electronically (to cweil at uidaho.edu) or to:

Clifford Weil
Associate Professor
Dept. of Biological Sciences
Univ. of Idaho
Moscow, ID 83844-3051 USA

Tel: 208-885-6370
Fax: 208-885-7905

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