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Postdoc Positions in DuPont Genomics

Hajime Sakai Hajime.Sakai at usa.dupont.com
Thu Jun 11 11:02:59 EST 1998

Post-doctoral Positions in DuPont's Genomics Program

Post-doctoral research scientist positions are available in the DuPont
AG Biotechnology Genomics program. We are looking for highly motivated,
Ph.D. level scientists, with a strong background in plant genetics and
molecular biology, especially in map-based cloning strategies.  Our
highly active Genomics program provides state-of-the-art instrumentation
for genomic approaches, such as high-throughput sequencing, high density
microarray analysis and advanced bioinformatic systems, which allows
extensive automatization of laboratory tasks.  The position offers a
competitive salary and an excellent benefits package.  We are located in
Newark, Delaware, an area that offers an attractive lifestyle with easy
access to various cultural, academic and recreational activities in the
middle East Coast region.

Applicants should send their CV and three letters of recommendation
preferably by e-mail or fax to: Dr. Hajime Sakai, DuPont Agricultural
Biotechnology, Delaware Technology Park, Suite 200, 1 Innovation Way,
P.O. Box 6104, Newark, DE 19714-6104, USA; e-mail:
Hajime.Sakai at usa.dupont.com; fax: 302-631-2607.

I am attending the Arabidopsis meeting in Madison, Wisconsin at the end
of June.  I would be happy to meet interested candidates there.

DuPont is an equal opportunity employer.

Hajime Sakai
DuPont Agricultural Biotechnology
Delaware Technology Park, Suite 200
1 Innovation Way
Newark, DE 19714-6104, USA

Phone: (302) 631-2651
Fax: (302) 631-2607
E-mail: Hajime.Sakai at usa.dupont.com

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