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anyone know address for Bruce F. Benz??

Tobias Baskin baskin at biosci.mbp.missouri.edu
Tue May 5 14:12:23 EST 1998


	  I would like to contact Bruce Benz, who in the early 1990's
published with Hugh Iltis. If anyone knows where he is now (or Bruce if you
are listening), I'd be grateful to hear about it.

		Thanks in advance,

				Tobias Baskin <baskin at biosci.mbp.missouri.edu>

      _      ____   ^      __   ____   Tobias I. Baskin
     /  \   /      / \    /   \ \            University of Missouri
    /   |  /      /   \   \      \              Biological Sciences
   /___/  /__    /___  \   \      \__            109 Tucker Hall
  /      /      /       \   \      \            Columbia, MO 65211-7400 USA
 /      /      /         \   \      \          voice: 573-882-0173
/      /____  /           \   \__/   \____ fax: 573-882-0123

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