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Post-Doctoral Position

Winegar, Carolyn WINEGARCF at phibred.com
Mon Nov 9 17:38:53 EST 1998

Could you please post the following position?  Let me know if you have any


Post-Doctoral Research Scientist (Job #98316G)
We seek a highly motivated individual to study gene expression that controls
maize seed composition and germination. The successful candidate will screen
genetic materials for trait divergence and utilize selections in assessing
gene expression differences via state-of-the-art methodologies and
bioinformatics. Applicants should have good organization abilities, prior
experience in expression analysis, strong background in genetics and
proficiency in the use of computers for biotechnological applications and
data management. Field experience a plus. Previous research in seed biology
is preferred, but not required. This position requires a Ph.D. degree in
Plant Biology, Agronomy, Molecular Biology or a related discipline with
relevant experience in gene expression and plant genetics. Excellent written
and verbal communication skills are also essential.  Please submit your
curriculum vitae (in scannable format), a statement of research interests,
and names of three references to: Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. ATTN:
Human Resources - Research (Job #98316G), PO Box 1004, Johnston, Iowa
50131-1004; e-mail jobsresearch at phibred.com.  For more information on this
position visit our website at http://www.pioneer.com.


Carolyn Winegar
Employment Specialists/RPD

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