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Faculty position

Rich Jorgensen raj at Ag.Arizona.Edu
Thu Nov 12 18:17:49 EST 1998


Plant Biologist
Department of Plant Sciences
The University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ  85721

Position Description:
This tenure-track position (80% research and 20% teaching)  is available at
either the Assistant or Associate Professor level on July 1, 1999.  The
successful candidate is expected to develop an independent research program
using genetic, biochemical or cellular approaches to address important
questions in the field of plant biology. We are particularly interested in
applicants who are taking advantage of recent developments in functional
genomics to improve understanding of fundamental plant processes.
Opportunities exist for research collaborations with faculty from several
departments with active programs in genomics. The successful candidate will
be expected to participate in undergraduate and graduate teaching, and to
provide leadership in the development of a center of research excellence in
functional genomics.

The position requires a Ph.D. degree and postdoctoral experience in an
appropriate discipline.  Candidates must demonstrate excellence in research
and an ability to attract extramural funding.  In addition, the individual
must have the communication skills necessary to be an effective teacher.

The salary will depend upon qualifications and experience.

Application Deadline:
Review of applications begins February 1, 1999 and continues until the
position is filled.

Application Procedure:
Send letter of application including statement of research and teaching
interests,  resume, and the names of three references to:

Richard Jorgensen				Phone: (520) 626-9216
Department of Plant Sciences			Fax: (520) 621- 7186
The University of Arizona			Email: raj at ag.arizona.edu
Tucson, AZ  85721-0036			http://ag.arizona.edu/PLS/


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