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Res Asst/Assoc Prof

Ed Coe ed at teosinte.agron.missouri.edu
Sat Nov 14 10:04:50 EST 1998

Research Assistant/Associate Professor
Missouri Maize Project

A scientist experienced in genetics and related sciences is needed for a
non-tenure-track position with the Missouri Maize Project
(http://www.cafnr.missouri.edu/mmp).  A Ph.D. plus at least three years of
postdoctoral experience is required.  MMP is the inaugural project of the
new Maize Genomics Center at the University of Missouri, and focuses on
developing physical, genetic, and bioinformatics resources for the maize
genome.  The successful candidate will be expected to oversee and conduct
the following projects:  1) Developing reference genetic maps and anchoring
BACs to genetic map.  2) Mapping expressed sequence tags (ESTs) to BACs.  3)
Initiating new projects in the area of maize genomics and related research.
Position requires extensive experience in generating and analyzing mapping
data.  Experience in developing national and international collaborations is
highly desirable.

Applicants should mail a complete resume, including relevant experience,
skills, and phone and email addresses of at least three references to Dr.
E.H. Coe, Missouri Maize Project, 215 Curtis Hall, University of Missouri,
Columbia, MO 65211-7020.  Application deadline is December 31, 1998.  The
University of Missouri is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer.
Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

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