FWD to bionet.maize from MaizeDB (Mary Polacco):
I need a good control probe to verify RNA quality and equal loading of
lanes on Northern blots. Some maize gene that is highly and universally
expressed. Actin? tubulin?
I realize that some people just stain the rRNA bands with ethidium as a
control, but I would also like to verify that my hybridization conditions
are reasonable.
Thank you very much,
Jonathan Walton
Professor of Botany and Plant Pathology
DOE-Plant Research Laboratory
Michigan State University
E. Lansing, MI 48824
phone: 517-353-4885
fax: 517-353-9168
email: walton at pilot.msu.edu
PRL homepage: <http://creator.ns.msu.edu/prl/index.html>