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postdoc position in San Diego

Laurie Smith lsmith at biomail.ucsd.edu
Thu Oct 8 14:38:44 EST 1998

Postdoctoral research associate position available to participate in
ongoing studies on the role of the tangled gene in the spatial regulation
of cell division in maize (see Smith et al., Development '96 122:481-489
and http://www-biology.ucsd.edu/shadow/sa/newbrochure/lsmith.html for
background to this project and others in the Smith lab). The candidate will
pursue the molecular analysis of tangled by taking some combination of the
following types of approaches: biochemical studies of TANGLED protein aimed
at understanding its subcellular localization in various tissues and its
interaction with other molecules, use of the yeast two hybrid system to
investigate possible interactions of TANGLED with other proteins,
establishment and use of a transient transformation system for
structure-function studies on the TANGLED protein.  A Ph.D. and experience
in one or more of the following areas is required: molecular biology,
biochemistry, plant transformation, genetics, and microscopy.  The person
who fills this position will receive further training in all these areas.

Our laboratory is located in the Biology Department at U.C. San Diego, a
locating providing an outstanding scientific and living environment.  Our
lab is part of a scientific community comprised of over 50 cellular and
molecular biology laboratories in the Dept. of Biology at U.C.S.D., and the
Salk Institute and Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation nearby.  Among
this large and diverse group of colleagues, many have expertise in
molecular biology, genetics, the cytoskeleton, plant biology and other
specialties relevant to this project.  U.C.S.D. is located in La Jolla (a
community of San Diego), a coastal city with outstanding climate and
recreational opportunities.

This position can commence any time between now and Feb. 01, 1999.  Those
interested in applying for this position should send a CV by email to
Laurie Smith (lsmith at biomail.ucsd.edu), In addition, please send 1-2
reprints best reflecting your accomplishments and experience, and arrange
to have 3 letters of reference from those most familiar with your work.
These can be mailed to:

Laurie Smith
Dept. Biology 0116
U. C. San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive
San Diego, CA  92093-0116

Laurie G. Smith
Assistant Professor
Biology Dept. 0116
U.C.San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA  92093-0116
email: lsmith at biomail.ucsd.edu
telephone: 619-822-2531 (office)
	   619-822-2558 (lab)
fax: 619-534-7108

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