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White seedling

SURESH NAIK snaik at ncl.res.in
Sat Oct 31 02:12:02 EST 1998

On Thu, 29 Oct 1998, Ed Coe wrote:

> Dear Teresa:
> Thank you for contacting MaizeDB for information about the class' observation.
>  We received from you 3 notes, which I think were all equal.  I'm forwarding
> this to the Maize Net, as some others may wish to comment.

Dear Teresa:
Greetings from India.  I am in full agreement with the explanations given
by Ed on your observations.  And also the experiment suggeted by him wil
help you to explain you to your students the possible reason the "ALBINO"
might die.  Well thats not the reason I am writing you.  The reason is to
congratullate you in your efforts you put into the teaching.  I salute the
commitment.  It very seldom that a SCHOOL TEACHER would put Q in the mail
group.  I wish you are able to explain the students the experiment to your
perfection and their settisfection.

Best Wishes and regards

                        \\\|///     "You can't change the world
                      \\  - -  //     while getting paid for it"
                       (  @ @  )
|                                |                                   |
|SURESH NAIK                     | Res ph:+91-212-353680/354357      |
|Plant Molecular Biology Unit    | off ph:+91-212-342779             |
|Division of Biochemical Sciences| off fax:+91-212-338234            |
|National Chemical Laboratory    |                                   |
|Pune 411 008                    | email: snaik at kelvin.ncl.res.in    |
|INDIA                           |                                   |
                    oooO    (   )
                    (   )   (  /
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