Maize cDNA Library
I would like to clone a Rel transcription factor from maize using
degenerate primers. I need maize cDNA library (total) to do the PCR as well
as to screen if the PCR results look good.
Rel proteins are invoved in immune defence both in vertebrates and
invertebrates. I am convinced that part of the plant defence is also
mediated by homologous plant Rel transcription factors. I have no idea in
which tissue the Rel proteins, if any in plants, would be expressed.
Therefore I would require a total cDNA library. If this is not available,
my next preference would be for leaf cDNA library. Environmental treatment-
normal light and dark conditions and temperature. Developmental stage,
normal plant.
Can anybody please help me with a few microliters of their precious
cDNA? You will be acknowledged in all the resulting publications and
scientific presentations. Thanks for your help in advance.
Latha (Kadalayil)
My e.mail address : latha at
Latha Kadalayil
Dept of Biochemistry
Stockholm University
S-106 91 Stockholm
Tel: 46-8-16 24 45
FAX: 46-8-15 36 79