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Grass Genome - Postdoctoral Postions

Jeff Bennetzen maize at bilbo.bio.purdue.edu
Mon Aug 16 13:12:10 EST 1999


Four postdoctoral positions are available, two for recent Ph.D.s and two
for individuals with extensive postdoctoral experience in molecular
genetics.  Research is centered on analysis of the sequences of bacterial
artificial chromosomes containing inserts from syntenic regions of the
maize, sorghum, barley, wheat and rice genomes.  Many of these regions
have been selected because they contain known or candidate disease
resistance genes.  These positions will involve most of their efforts on
clone isolation and sequence data analysis and less effort in actual
sequence data generation, which is largely automated and transferred to a
service facility.  Experience in cloning, subcloning and the analysis of
DNA sequence data are essential.  Expertise in plant pathology,
evolutionary biology and/or bioinformatics would be a definite plus.
Salary will be $25,000-$40,000 per annum, commensurate with experience.
Support is for two to four years, and can start as early as October of
1999.  However, the PI is moving his lab from Purdue University to UW
Madison during the first half of 2000, so starting at or transferring to
Madison would be expected.

For more information, contact Dr. Jeff Bennetzen, Department of Biological
Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1392. Phone:
765-494-4763. FAX: 765-496-1496. email: maize at bilbo.bio.purdue.edu.
Purdue University is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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