I am looking for a post doc to join my lab (Tobias Baskin, Division
of Biological Sciences, University of Missouri-Columbia) to work on
an NSF-funded project aimed at understanding the regulation of cell
division. The project aims to deepen knowledge of how a growing plant
organ controls the spatial distribution of cell division, using as a
model the root meristem of Arabidopsis thaliana, and testing the
following hypotheses. (1) The root changes the rate of cell
production by changing the number of dividing cells and not their
average rate of division. (2) The number of dividing cells is limited
by the onset of rapid elongation. (3) At the basal boundary of the
meristem, the cessation of division is triggered by cells reaching a
threshold volume. We are testing these hypotheses by quantifying the
spatial distributions of elongation rate and cell division rate for
root cortical and epidermal cells under conditions chosen to
influence cell division. These conditions include a variety of
physiological treatments, different genotypes, and transgenic plants.
Quantification relies on a kinematic method applied to living plants
with minimal disturbance, which avoids the serious pitfalls of
techniques based on labeled mitoses or the accumulation of metaphase
cells. We are also attempting to observe mitosis in living root cells.
Funding is available for up to three years. The applicant
must have a Ph. D. in a relevant subject area. I am particularly
interested in applicants with experience in the molecular control of
the cell cycle, or with mathematical prowess, such as experience with
kinematics. To apply, please send me your curriculum vitae, a
description of your research experience, and the names and addresses
(including email) of three references.
Tobias Baskin, Biological Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia
MO, 65211-7400, USA. Email: BaskinT at missouri.edu; tel: 573-882-0173;
Fax: 573-882-0123.
_ ____ ^ __ ____ Tobias I. Baskin
/ \ / / \ / \ \ University of Missouri
/ | / / \ \ \ Biological Sciences
/___/ /__ /___ \ \ \__ 109 Tucker Hall
/ / / \ \ \ Columbia, MO 65211-7400 USA
/ / / \ \ \ voice: 573-882-0173
/ /____ / \ \__/ \____ fax: 573-882-0123