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Protocols for measuring seed wt for immature corn kernels

Alix V. Paez paezgei at worldnet.att.net
Mon Aug 30 14:47:26 EST 1999

Dear Freddie,

One method that might work is to weigh ears or representative segments of
ears at harvest, predry in an oven at 42 degrees Celsius for 48 hours,
reweigh dry ears to determine moisture loss, then exise as many predried
kernels as you need for determining moisture with an NIR machine. Total
moisture would be the sum of the first moisture reading plus the second
reading obtained from the NIR.

Best regards

Alix V. Paez

-----Original Message-----
From: Freddie Lamm <flamm at oz.oznet.ksu.edu>
Newsgroups: bionet.maize
To: nobody at net.bio.net <nobody at net.bio.net>
Date: Monday, August 30, 1999 12:50 PM
Subject: Protocols for measuring seed wt for immature corn kernels

>Can someone give or point me to protocols for measuring seed wt
>for immature corn kernels.
>Particularly I am interested in what drying temperatures and times
>are appropriate to end up with a resulting dry matter/kernel.
>Using a typical grain moisture meter on partially dried kernels 20-
>30 days before physiological maturity wouldn't work very well.
>*    o   Freddie Lamm   **It's all downhill from here.
>*** /|\   Research Agricultural Engineer
>*****\\    KSU Northwest Research-Extension Center
>*******     105 Experiment Farm Road
>*********      Colby, Kansas USA 67701-1697
>***********     Phone:785-462-6281 FAX: 785-462-2315
>*************    E-Mail: flamm at oz.oznet.ksu.edu
>***************   SDI Website: http://www.oznet.ksu.edu/sdi/

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