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Akkadix: Plant Biotech Jobs in San Diego

Les Klimczak klimczak at my-deja.com
Mon Jul 19 21:25:46 EST 1999

As seen in the 16 July issue of Science:

Akkadix Corporation is a rapidly growing, agricultural biotechnology
company using functional genomics, bioinformatics, structural biology,
combinatorial chemistry, and high throughput screening to discover novel
plant genes and agrochemicals. Akkadix also has access to proprietary
plant genes regulating important traits and to germplasms of major crop
species. We are currently hiring a world-class research staff, and we
are seeking highly talented, motivated and creative individuals with a
record of accomplishment (publications and/or patents) for the following
research programs:

Gene Expression and Regulation: B.S.- or M.S.-level scientists trained
in molecular biology, with experience in cDNA cloning, DNA sequencing,
in vitro mutagenesis, plant transformation, RNA analysis, RNase
protection, in situ expression of RNA and protein, or phage display.

Signal Transduction: B.S.-, M.S.- or Ph.D.-level scientists trained in
molecular biology and/or genetics, with experience in Agrobacterium
tumefaciens transformation of Arabidopsis, transgenic screening, nucleic
acid isolation, northern and Southern analysis, PCR, cDNA cloning, and
in vitro mutagenesis.

Parasitic Nematode Control: B.S.- or M.S.-level scientists trained in
molecular biology and/or nematology, with experience in culturing
phytopathogenic nematodes, Agrobacterium rhizogenes transformation,
transgenic screening, phage display, gene cloning, DNA sequencing,
vector and plant transcription unit design and construction, and in situ
gene expression analysis.

Bioinformatics: B.S.- and M.S.-level computer support staff and junior
Ph.D.-level scientists with multidisciplinary skills spanning computer
science and biology, programming in Perl, C/C++, and/or Java, storing
and mining vast amounts of information, lab automation, expression
profiling, and sequence analysis.

Members of our scientific advisory board include Roger Beachy (Donald
Danforth Plant Science Center), Chris Lamb (University of Edinburgh),
Rick Dixon (Noble Foundation), Richard Michelmore (UC, Davis), Ethan
Signer (MIT), and Carlos Barbas (Scripps Research Institute). For more
information please visit our web site (http://www.akkadix.com).

Akkadix offers a competitive package of compensation, health benefits,
and retirement plan (401K). We are located only minutes from the Pacific
Ocean near the Scripps Research Institute, Salk Institute, and UCSD.
Applicants should send a cover letter indicating interest in a
particular research program and a CV describing research experience and
names of three references to: Akkadix Corporation, Attn: Human
Resources, 12626 High Bluff Drive, Suite 250, San Diego, CA 92130, or by
fax (858 794-5525).

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