I just checked in the 1998 Forestry Suppliers, Inc Catalog 49 on page 304
and found the scope that appears to be identical to the one we felt was
excellent for pollen classification in the field. It is a SPI 50x Portable
Microscope, catalog number 61028 and lists for $87.90.
I also looked in the 1998 Edmund's optics and optical instruments catalog and
found a scope that Edmund sells this under their own name. It is
catalog number D30,013, has a green body, costs $45, and is a 50x
scope. We have purchased this one and found it to be far inferior to
the one I described above.
David Weber
David F. Weber, Professor of Genetics Phone: 309-438-2685
Department of Biological Sciences FAX: 309-438-3722
Campus Box 4120 email: dfweber at ilstu.edu
Illinois State Univeristy
Normal, IL 61790-4120
Visit my web site: http://www.bio.ilstu.edu/weber/