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Post-doctoral position

Michael Foley foleym at fargo.ars.usda.gov
Thu Jun 10 15:03:12 EST 1999

Two Position in Molecular Genetics.  Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the
Department of Plant Sciences, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND.
Two scientists will be hired to investigate genetic and molecular
genetic aspects of dormancy in cereal grain seeds.  The objectives are
to determine the germination phenotype and genotype of recombinant
inbred (RI) lines segregating for dormancy under various environmental
conditions (G x E), identify molecular markers for dormancy QTL and
clone dormancy QTL.  Required qualifications are an earned Ph.D. in
plant sciences, genetics or related areas, a background in molecular
genetics with considerable experience in mapping and/or map-based
cloning of QTL, experience in molecular genetics techniques, ability to
communicate effectively in writing research publications, to manage
information, and to work in a team oriented environment is a must.
Desired qualifications are experience in statistical genetics,
quantitative genetics and research on small grains, e.g., oats, rice,
wheat, and barley.  These positions are for a collaborative project
between Drs. Michael Foley and Shahryar Kianian with the
USDA-Agriculture Research Service and North Dakota State University in
Fargo, respectively.  The project is funded by USDA-NRI and NSF.
Duration of the project is for one year with renewal for additional
years dependent on progress.   Competitive salary commensurate with
qualifications; employer participating TIAA and CREF retirement; Social
Security; paid annual and sick leave; paid total disability, group
health and life insurance.  Continued employment contingent on
satisfactory job performance and funding.  Position available June 30,
1999, or thereafter until the position is filled.  For full
consideration, individuals interested in applying should submit the
following materials: 1) a letter of application discussing how the
stated qualifications are met; 2) a detailed resume; 3) official
academic transcripts from all institutions attended; and 4) names and
addresses (including phone and Email) of three current references sent
to  Dr. Michael Foley, USDA-ARS, Biological Research Laboratory, Fargo,
ND 58105-5674.  For more information contact Dr. Foley (701) 239-1251
(foleym at fargo.ars.usda.gov) or Dr. Kianian (701) 231-7574
(kianian at badlands.nodak.edu).
NDSU is an equal opportunity institution

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