POSITION: Postdoctoral Research Associate to study the mechanism of
substrate specificity and catalysis in plant beta-glycosidases.
LOCATION: Department of Biology, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia
DURATION: 2 years, starting between July and October 2000.
RESPONSIBILITIES. Construction and expression of plant beta-glucosidase
chimeric cDNAs in bacteria and yeast; induction of beta-glucosidase
mutants with altered substrate specificity by random and site-directed
mutagenesis and isolation of mutant enzymes and their characterization
with special emphasis on substrate specificity and other biochemical
QUALIFICATIONS: The ideal candidate should have a strong background in
molecular biology or protein biochemistry. Experience is desirable in
standard recombinant DNA techniques including cDNA synthesis, cloning
and expression, library screening, enzyme purification and
characterization, and molecular modeling. Experience with plant systems
is not necessary. Candidates who have prior experience with protein
expression in yeast or E. coli will be given high preference.
CONTACT: Send curriculum vitae and names of three individuals for
letters of recommendation to: Dr. A. Esen, Department of Biology,
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061-0406 USA. Foreign applicants
may use e-mail (aevatan at vt.edu). Tel: 540-231-5894; FAX: 540-231-9307.