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Postdoc Position on Activator at Leicester, UK

Jarvis, Dr R.P. rpj3 at leicester.ac.uk
Mon Apr 10 10:15:46 EST 2000


Postdoctoral Research Associate
R&A1A £16,286 to £24,479 p.a.
Available for 3 years
(Ref: R9170/RPJ)

Highly motivated individual sought to conduct internationally competitive
research on host-control of DNA transposition in Arabidopsis thaliana (Plant
Journal 11: 907-919, 921-931).  Preference will be given to applicants with
a strong background in Arabidopsis molecular-genetic research and/or
transposon biology.  Candidates should have a PhD in a relevant discipline.
Informal enquiries to Paul Jarvis: +44-116-223-1296, rpj3 at le.ac.uk.

Application forms and further particulars are available from the Personnel
Office (Appointments), University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester
LE1 7RH, UK, tel +44-116-223-1341, fax +44-116-252-5140, email:
personnel at le.ac.uk, or via the web on www.jobs.ac.uk.

Closing date: 19 May 2000.

For Jarvis lab vacancies visit:
Paul Jarvis, Department of Biology,
University of Leicester,
Leicester LE1 7RH, United Kingdom.
Tel +44-116-223-1296; Fax +44-116-252-3330
Email rpj3 at le.ac.uk <mailto:rpj3 at le.ac.uk>


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