Dear Colleagues,
As the new Editor-in-Chief of Plant Physiology, officially to start on May
1, I want to bring to your attention a new initiative for the journal. In
the January issue (vol. 122, number 1), we started a new forum called
"Breakthrough Technologies." Because technological innovations accelerate
the rate of progress in science, we encourage submission of manuscripts
reporting new technological breakthroughs; these will be published when
judged to represent advances of exceptional significance and broad
applicability and interest. Dr. Robert Last from Cereon Genomics is the
Associate Editor responsible for this category. Authors who wish to submit
to this category are encouraged to first correspond with Dr. Last
(rob.last at about the content of the proposed article. The first
such article appeared in the January issue and is featured on the cover.
Best wishes to all of you,
Natasha Raikhel
Natasha Raikhel
MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824-1312 USA
Phone: (517) 353-3518
Fax: (517) 353-9168
e-mail: nraikhel at