(Copyright 1962 by C.R. Burnham, reproduced from the
hand-annotated sixth printing, 1980) has been posted at:
The above address takes you to the book's Table of Contents.
Clicking on a topic of interest in the Table of Contents
will take you to an Adobe Acrobat (PDF) file. Each page of
the body of the book was scanned as an image, so these files
are not searchable. Be advised that, because they are
images and not electronic text, the average file size is 3
megabytes (about 8 pages). If you have the most recent
version of Acrobat Reader, each file will open directly in
your web browser and you will not be asked to download the
file. This will save you some time if you are looking at
several topics. The address for downloading Acrobat Reader
is provided at the top of the Table of Contents.
Only the Table of Contents and the Index are searchable files.
The URL for the Table of Contents can also be accessed
through the MaizeDB Reference query form,
by conducting any conventional query, e.g., Name
burnham%cytog; or Title discus; etc.
Bouquets to Lou Butler for planning and carrying out the
scanning and preparation of the files, and to Arturo Garcia
for devising the linking.
Ed Coe