University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany
State Plant Breeding Institute (Dr. E. Bauer)
in cooperation with
Department of Plant Breeding, Seed Science, and Population Genetics
(Prof. A.E. Melchinger)
We are looking for a PhD student to work on the following project:
"Molecular and agronomic investigations on genetic diversity and
hybrid breeding in triticale"
In order to evaluate the potential of hybrid breeding in triticale,
the candidate will (i) assess the genetic diversity in the European
triticale genepool by evaluating pedigree information, agronomic
traits (field experiments, yield trials), and molecular marker data
(SSRs and AFLPs), (ii) investigate heterosis and combining ability in
F1 hybrids of triticale, and (iii) establish heterotic groups for
further development of hybrid triticale breeding.
The research should result in scientific papers and in graduation to a
PhD degree in Agricultural Sciences.
The applicant should have an MSc degree / Diploma (or equivalent) in
Agricultural Sciences or Biology, with specialisation in Plant
Breeding, Biometry, and/or Genetics. Some experience in the
application of molecular markers is desirable. Willingness to look
after field trials is required.
The salary will be approximately DM 22,000 - DM 35,000 per year,
depending on age and marital status (German BAT scale BAT IIa/2).
Financial support is for three years, starting from March 1, 2000.
Applications should be submitted to the address indicated below. They
should include a CV, and e-mail addresses or phone/fax numbers of two
references. The position will remain open until a suitable candidate
is found.
University of Hohenheim (720)
State Plant Breeding Institute
Dr. Eva Bauer
70593 Stuttgart
email: ebauer at
Phone: ++49-711-459-2691
Fax: ++49-711-459-3841
Further informations on the State Plant Breeding Institute and the
Department of Plant Breeding, Seed Science, and Population Genetics
can be found under the following links: