Wageningen University, The Netherlands has a job vacancy.
Please forward this message to relevant candidates and the pin-board.
Thank you.
reference number: HGL 00-035
The chair of biosystematics is devoted to biodiversity at taxonomic level. The
main aim of the discipline is the acquisition of knowledge on the nature and
extent of this biodiversity and on the evolutionary mechanisms that
can generate
this biodiversity. Important topics are the biosystematics of
cultivated species
and their wild relatives, the taxonomy of the African flora, the systematics of
agronomically important animal plague organisms, as well as the evolutionary
relations between plague organisms and their host species.
The research will address fundamental and applied questions in biosystematics,
both in natural systems as well as in systems affected by men. Especially
relevant is fundamental research on the molecular evolutionary principles
involved in creating patterns of taxonomic variation, both within and between
species. The research will make use of molecular as well as morphological
characters for phylogenetic and phenetic pattern analysis. The research
activities will be part of the Graduate School of Experimental Plant Sciences
and the Graduate School of Biodiversity.
The new professor will have final responsibility for graduate and postgraduate
teaching in biosystematics, which is an important part of the study programmes
Biology, Forest and Nature Conservation, Plant and Crop Sciences.
You will supervise the Wageningen branch of the National Herbarium of the
Netherlands, and advance the application of molecular techniques throughout the
National Herbarium. Continuation and expansion of collaboration with related
departments within Wageningen University is of great importance, as is
collaboration with the other research institutes within Wageningen University
and Research Centre.
Your ample achievements in biosystematic research are evident from your
dissertation and scientific publications in leading international journals. You
have affinity with those biosystematic issues and taxa that are relevant to the
mission statement of Wageningen University. Experience with molecular
is an asset. You are able to play an active, stimulating and leading role in
research programs. You have proven teaching abilities and the capacity to
develop advanced courses on various biosystematic areas. Excellent management
skills are vital. Your professional network is both national and international.
Furthermore, you are successful in the acquisition of external
research funding,
and you can ensure and reinforce collaboration with groups within and outside
Wageningen University.
We offer:
We offer a tenure appointment with a salary conforming to the rates for
professors, scale A, which amounts to a maximum of DFL 12,547 gross per month.
More information on this position can be obtained from the chairman
or secretary
of the selection committee: Prof. dr. L.H.W. van der Plas (telephone +31 317
482146, e-mail Linus.vanderPlas at algem.pf.wag-ur.nl), dr. H.J. van Eck
+31 317 482837, e-mail Herman.vanEck at users.pv.wag-ur.nl), respectively.
Candidates for this position and those who wish to recommend qualified
individuals, should contact the Staff Office Wageningen University, P.O. Box
9101, 6700 HB Wageningen, The Netherlands, within four weeks (before 13 March
2000), and mention "vacaturenummer: HGL 00-035" on the letter and envelope.
Applicants should include their curriculum vitae and a list of publications.