Just a point. While actin is often used as a loading control
in RNA blots, it would be unlikely to be useful in microscopy because
actin is mostly filamentous in cells. You might like to consider a
stain for RNA which will label the cytoplasm smoothly and uniformly.
Hope this helps,
Tobias Baskin
At 8:28 PM +0000 2/2/00, Robert A. Bouchard wrote:
>Some colleagues and I are using confocal microscopy to investigate the
>locations of viral proteins in infected maize tissue and would like to
>locate a source of good antisera for one or two constituitve cytoplasmic
>proteins, such as actin or ubiquitin, to use as a control for general
>background. Can anyone recommend a supplier of antisera know to work well
>with these or other constituitve maize proteins? Thanks, RAB
>>Robert A. Bouchard, Affiliated Scholar
>Department of Chemistry
>561 University Street
>The College of Wooster
>Wooster, OH 44691
>phone: (330) 263-2433
>Fax: (330) 263-2386
>e-mail: RBOUCHARD at>>>---
_ ____ ^ __ ____ Tobias I. Baskin
/ \ / / \ / \ \ University of Missouri
/ | / / \ \ \ Biological Sciences
/___/ /__ /___ \ \ \__ 109 Tucker Hall
/ / / \ \ \ Columbia, MO 65211-7400 USA
/ / / \ \ \ voice: 573-882-0173
/ /____ / \ \__/ \____ fax: 573-882-0123