Dear maize net users,
I am a PhD student of Uta Paszkowski, from a lab in Basel, Switzerland, I'm
working with seeds from sh1/sus1, Sh1/sus1, Sh1/Sus1 and sh1/Sus1 lines.
For many months now, I'm stack in my experiments because we keep on having
infected seeds so we cannot grow a single plant neither in the greenhouse
nor in phytochamber,independent on sand or soil substrate. We have produced
our own seeds in the greenhouse from individuals survivors but the seeds
these plants produced were similarly infected. It appears that always the
same fungus infects the embryo and starts to grow when the seeds are
exposed to a moist environment. Surface sterilization and germination in
fungicide leaves this fungus untouched. Since the first batch of seeds that
we had obtained germinated and grew perfectly well we still hope to find a
second source of this quality. We are honestly a bit desparate about how to
solve this problem.
Is there anybody knowing something about this type of infection of these
particular seeds? Is anyone of you working on the same lines? May I ask you
where I could find some non-infected seeds?
Thanks in advance
Best regards
Helene Corbiere