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Induction of flowering in Tripsacum

Dresselhaus, Thomas dresselh at botanik.uni-hamburg.de
Wed Feb 23 08:37:54 EST 2000

Dear colleagues,

does anyone have ever tried to grow Tripsacum dactyloides (a
close relative of maize) in growth chambers. We have mimicked
Mexican climate in our growth chambers and the plants grow
nicely. Unfortunately they never form flower meristems.
Any idea to induce flowering is welcome.

Thomas Dresselhaus
Dr. Thomas Dresselhaus
Applied Plant Molecular Biology II
University of Hamburg
Ohnhorststrasse 18
D-22609 Hamburg, Germany
Phone: +49/40/42816-360 or -416
Fax: +49/40/42816-229
E-Mail: dresselh at botanik.uni-hamburg.de

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