I have grown corn in growth chambers and gotten it to shed. Conditions;
16,000 watts high intensity halogen lamps (i.e. 16 x 1000 W lamps) in a
Conviron walk-in chamber, about 12' x12'.
>Dear Colleagues,
>> I have a question similar to Thomas Dresselhaus's. Does anyone
>grow regular corn (Zea mays) in growth chambers and get it to shed pollen?
>If so, what are your conditions? We are still searching for the ideal
>ideal conditions for meiocytes in the winter. Thank you - and thank you
>everyone who responded to my question about Green House conditions in
>>Lisa Harper, PhD
>Cande Lab, 345 LSA
>Department of Molecular and Cell Biology
>University of California
>Berkeley, CA 94720
>(510) 643-8277
Scott Poethig
Department of Biology
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6018
Phone: 215-898-8915
FAX: 215-898-8780
Email: spoethig at