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Maize in growth chambers

NGUYEN CHRISTOPHE christophe.nguyen at ensaia.inpl-nancy.fr
Thu Feb 24 02:20:32 EST 2000

I have grown maize in phytotron and  until flowering, and grain filling. 16
photoperiod, (400µmol m-2 s-1), 25/20 degrees celsius day/night temperature,
75% relative humidity.

Please note my new Email adress
Dr Nguyen Christophe
UnitÈ associÈe  Agronomie & Environnement
BP 172
F54505 Vandoeuvre les Nancy

Phone : (33) 383 59 57 87
Fax : (33) 383 59 57 99
Email : Christophe.Nguyen at ensaia.inpl-nancy.fr

----- Message d'origine -----
De : "Lisa Harper" <ligule at nature.berkeley.edu>
Groupes de discussion : bionet.maize
¿ : <maize at net.bio.net>
EnvoyÈ : mercredi 23 fÈvrier 2000 20:07
Objet : Maize in growth chambers

>  Dear Colleagues,
>  I have a question similar to Thomas Dresselhaus's.  Does anyone
>  grow regular corn (Zea mays) in growth chambers and get it to shed pollen?
>  If so, what are your conditions?  We are still searching for the ideal
>  ideal conditions for meiocytes in the winter.  Thank you - and thank you
>  everyone who responded to my question about Green House conditions in
>  winter.
>  Lisa Harper, PhD
>  Cande Lab, 345 LSA
>  Department of Molecular and Cell Biology
>  University of California
>  Berkeley, CA 94720
>  (510) 643-8277
>  ---


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