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Technician Position available

Mark E. Williams Mark.E.Williams at usa.dupont.com
Mon Feb 28 16:42:49 EST 2000

Technical position available immediately in a commercial maize genetics
and molecular biology lab.

The individual filling this position will assist in the discovery,
characterization and application of maize genes or genomic regions
(QTLs). This will involve experiments based on a cDNA sequencing project
and its related activites such as high-throughput gene expression
analysis, Mu-transposon-induced gene knockout evaluations and gene
mapping studies.

Requirements: B. S. or M.S. in Plant biotechnology, genetics or related

Prior experience necessary with basic plant molecular biology
techniques, especially PCR, DNA and RNA isolation, cloning and
recombinant DNA techniques, agarose/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis,
and Southern and Northern blotting.

Relevant computer and statistical knowledge in order to properly analyze
and organize data.

Good organizational/record keeping skills. Able to work independently
and effectively organize activities in order to conduct multiple
projects at a given time.

For questions or information on how to apply, please contact:

Mark Williams
DuPont AG Biotechnology
Stine-Haskell Research Center 210N/253
1090 Elkton Road
Newark, DE   19714-0030  USA

302-366-5102 phone
302-451-4832 fax
mark.e.williams at usa.dupont.com


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