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bushels per acre to tonnes per hectare

Manjit Kang mkang at agctr.lsu.edu
Thu Jan 13 14:29:51 EST 2000

Dear Dr. Flindell:

To convert bushels/acre to kilograms/hectare, the conversion factor is 62.71
(assuming a bushel weighs 56 lbs). Hope that would help.

Manjit Kang
Manjit S. Kang, Professor, Quantitative Genetics
105 Sturgis Hall, LA State Univ., Baton Rouge, LA 70803-2110, USA

-----Original Message-----
From: Lucy Ruth Flindell <sgu97lrf at reading.ac.uk>
Newsgroups: bionet.maize
To: nobody at net.bio.net <nobody at net.bio.net>
Date: Thursday, January 13, 2000 1:20 PM
Subject: bushels per acre to tonnes per hectare

>Dear maize bionet group,
>I am trying to compare maize production in England to that in the USA.
>However, maize data I have from the USA is in units of bushels per acre,
>while it is given in tonnes per hectare in England.
>Please could anyone tell me the conversion factor of bushels per acre to
>tonnes per hectare.


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