Sorry if this is an old discussion thread, but we are complete newcomers to
the field. My wife is putting together a teaching module to introduce
Grade 7-8 students to concepts in genetics and one of the planned exercises
involves scoring kernel phenotypes (anticipating Mendelian ratios). We've
obtained dried ears of corn from a biological supply house and were
wondering if there is a relatively simple way to treat the corn to minimize
damage from repeated handling (i.e. like coating them with shellac or some
other protection)? I am hoping that some of the researchers and educators
on this list have previous experience with this issue and might have
suggestions or recommendations.
Thank you in anticipation,
Marc Perry
Department of Medical Genetics & Microbiology
Faculty of Medicine
University of Toronto
1 King's College Circle
Toronto, ON
Tel.: (416) 978-0117 marc.perry at
FAX : (416) 978-6885