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Staff Research Associate Position at UC Berkeley

Hollick Lab hollick at nature.berkeley.edu
Wed Jan 26 12:48:04 EST 2000

We are searching for an individual to assume a lead role in the 
management of our maize genetics lab. If interested, please contact 
the University of California, Berkeley, Human Resources to apply 

Staff Research Associate II (A&PS 1)
Plant & Microbial Biology
$32,048 - 48,179
Hours: to be arranged
Closing date: open until filled

Job Duties: Position ends 11 months from date of hire with possible 
extension. Perform, and supervise performance of, laboratory and 
field experimental procedures in support of academically supervised 
research of chromosome structure and gene regulation in maize. 
Independently carry out a wide variety of standard laboratory and 
field experiments requiring knowledge of molecular biology, 
bioinformatics, and field genetics concepts. Modify, vary, or adapt 
standard procedures to meet needs of research projects. Assume a lead 
role for management of a small lab. Carry out curation of extensive 
maize seed stocks and management of large field nurseries. Coordinate 
laboratory personnel for, and carry out, field genetics experiments. 
Observe, measure, and interpret experimental results. Perform 
bioinformatic analyses of DNA databases using computer algorithm 
software. Carry out standard molecular biological experiments to 
identify and measure nucleic acids from plant tissues. Independently 
evaluate experimental results and make recommendations for further 
experimentation. Keep meticulous records of data. Train and supervise 
students and laboratory technicians.

Required qualifications: BS in Genetics or related science and at 
least 2 years of lab work experience in molecular biology that 
includes experience with PCR, DNA sequence analysis, and related 
technology; or an equivalent combination of education and experience. 
Effective organizational and communication skills. Ability to work 
independently and as part of a team. No allergies to grass pollen.

Preferred qualifications: Experience working with maize or other 
model diploid genetic organisms.

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