Hi maize folks,
We have recently gotten a Harvester "Matrix Mill" on campus, which
makes fast DNA preps from plant leaves, in a 96 well format. We'd
like to use this for maize - for PCR; however, our first couple of
tries were not successful. The Matrix Mill sales person says that
maize folks are using this machine successfully -
Does anyone have any helpful experiences or protocols they can share?
many thanks,
John Fowler Assistant Professor
Botany and Plant Pathology (BPP) Dept.
2082 Cordley Hall Phone: (541) 737-5307
Oregon State University FAX: (541) 737-3573
Corvallis, OR 97331-2902 USA Email: fowlerj at bcc.orst.eduhttp://www.orst.edu/dept/cgrb/faculty/fowler/index.html