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number of grains per kernel

Ute Platzer u.platzer at dkfz-heidelberg.de
Mon Jul 24 08:27:16 EST 2000


I'm interested whether there are data about how many grains are on a 
maize ear, and how many rows of grain are there?

Is anything "officially" known about these numbers? It seems that 
there are always 16 rows around...

I'd appreciate any information.

Thanks in advance,

  Ute Platzer

Ute Platzer                                          Tel. (+49) 6221 - 42 2355
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Abt. Medizinische und Biologische Informatik
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280                   mailto:U.Platzer at DKFZ-Heidelberg.de
D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany                     http://mbi.DKFZ-Heidelberg.de/

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