The UK Crop Plant Bioinformatics Network (UK CropNet) are pleased to
announce the date of our third training workshop. This *FREE* event
will be held at the John Innes Centre, Norwich on the afternoon of
Friday 1st December.
Established in 1996 as part of the BBSRC's Plant and Animal Genome
Analysis special initiative, UK Cropnet's focus is the development,
management, and distribution of information relating to comparative
mapping and genome research in crop plants. A number of plant
databases and bioinformatics software tools have been developed (all of
which are freely available from our web-site: We are
comprised of six plant bioinformatics/genomics groups from around the UK.
The Arabidopsis Genome Resource (AGR) is a co-founder member of this
cross-species collection of ACeDB databases ranging from Barley to
Brassicas. UK CropNet aims to address synteny between these species and
promotes the use of model organisms such as Arabidopsis to further
understanding in crop research.
The John Innes Centre is home to two UK CropNet databases (BrassicaDB and
MilletGenes) as well as the Comparative Genomics group which is developing
software tools as part of the CropNet project. The training session will
cover both these local databases as well as the other databases and
software that comprise UK CropNet, and will be tutored by members from all
of the UK CropNet groups.
During the workshop, a number of our software and database developers
will present a series of short (10-20 minute) presentations to demonstrate
how these resources can be utilised to aid research. Following these
talks, we will provide a hands-on opportunity to use these resources, with
our developers available for questions and discussion at either a group or
individual level.
We would particularly welcome the chance to work with any 'real-world'
data that you wish to discuss and/or analyse. However, we would ask that
you please notify us in advance as to the nature of any such data you wish
to work on. Please also feel free to contact us in advance if you would
like us to focus on any specific issues relating to genome databases,
mapping software etc.
This workshop is open to all, including post-grads and post-docs. Due to
the nature of this training event, we regret that places are limited and
spaces will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis.
For more information about this workshop (and also for details of future
UK CropNet training events) please go to:
To register for this training event, please contact Dr. Guy Davenport at
the John Innes Centre:
email: guy.davenport at
For any other queries, please contact either Dr. Jo Dicks
(jo.dicks at or Dr. Sean May (sean_may at
~ Keith Bradnam - Developer, Arabidopsis Genome Resource (AGR)
~ Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock Centre -
~ University Park, University of Nottingham, NG7 2RD, UK
~ Tel: (0115) 951 3091