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Post-doctoral positions.

Curt Hannah hannah at GNV.IFAS.UFL.EDU
Fri Nov 17 07:54:52 EST 2000

          Available Immediately: Two post-doctoral Positions.

          Both positions are in the area of the molecular genetics of starch
biosynthesis in maize. One position will focus on expression and
mutagenesis of maize starch biosynthetic genes in E. coli.  Skills in
cloning of genes from maize are also required.   The second position
requires expertise in enzymology and protein chemistry.  More specific
areas of research interest can be found at the Lch website listed
below.  Positions are available for one year with possibility of renewal.

          A hard copy of your CV,  three representative papers/manuscripts
and three letters of reference should be sent to me at the address below
by  Dec 1, 2000.   Positions will be available until satisfactory
candidates are found.

L. Curtis Hannah

UFRF Professor and Director, Graduate Program in Plant Molecular
and Cellular Biology  &  Horticultural Sciences
    Office: 352-392-1928 ext 315
    Secretary: 352-392-1928 ext 202
    Laboratory: 352-392-1928 ext 314
    Fax: 352-392-5653
     P.O. Box 110690
     2211 Fifield Hall
     Horticultural Sciences
     University of Florida
     Gainesville, Florida, USA

   Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology:
    phone: 352-392-4726

The world is a dangerous place to live;
not because of the people who are evil,
but because of the people who don't do anything about it.

        - Albert Einstein

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