Dir sir/madam,
Here are many greetings from the University of Hannover, Germany. It is
Demekech Gera. I am MSc student in applied Genetics in the above
mentioned university on a research project reading: Molecular and
Clasical Genetic Analysis of Cytoplasm Types and Restorer Genes in Chive
(Allium schoenoprasum L.) Cultivars. I am looking for the genetic and
molecular explanation of cytoplasmic male sterility and beleive that it
will be possible to gete it from the detailed studied world wide crop;
Maize. It is therefore, my pleasure to have the relation ship of
mitochondrial atp9, cob and nad genes in causing cytoplasmic male
sterility and detailes about how the mechanism works out. Hoping to get
reply, I would like to say good bye since we meet again in the next
Demekech Gera
University of Hannover
Section Applied Genetics
Herrenh=FCaser Str.2
D-30419 Hannover
E-mail: meseret43 at hotmail.com